
Copyright © 2015-2022 LunarG, Inc.

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The VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump utility layer prints API calls, parameters, and values to the identified output stream.

Configuring the API Dump Layer

For an overview of how to configure layers, refer to the Layers Overview and Configuration document.

The API Dump Layer settings are documented in the Layer Details section below.

The API Dump Layer can also be enabled and configured using vkconfig. See the vkconfig documentation for more information.

Enabling the API Dump Layer

Desktop (Linux/Windows/MacOS)

You must add the location of the VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump.json file and corresponding VkLayer_api_dump library to your VK_LAYER_PATH in order for the Vulkan loader to be able to find the layer.

Then, you must also enable the layer in one of two ways:



If your source was located in: C:\my_folder\vulkantools and your build folder was build64, then you would add it to the layer path in the following way:

set VK_LAYER_PATH=C:\my_folder\vulkantools\build64\layersvt\Debug;%VK_LAYER_PATH%


If your source was located in: /my_folder/vulkantools and your build folder was build, then you would add it to the layer path in the following way:

export VK_LAYER_PATH=/my_folder/vulkantools/build/layersvt:$VK_LAYER_PATH

Enabling the layer with VK_INSTANCE_LAYERS

To force the layer to be enabled for Vulkan applications, you can set the VK_INSTANCE_LAYERS environment variable in the following way:







You may need to grant permissions to your application to write to system storage, even if it normally does not. This depends on whether or not you modify API Dump to output to a file or just leave it to output to text.

If you're building with Android Studio, you do this by:

If this does not work, you may still require enabling permissions for your application from the settings menu.

Failure to do so will result in your application crashing during vkCreateInstance since the layer will attempt, but fail, to create the capture file.

Globally Enabling the Layer

Use ADB to enable the layer for your project by:

adb shell "setprop debug.vulkan.layers 'VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump'"

When done, disable the layer using:

adb shell "setprop debug.vulkan.layers ''"

Applying Environment Settings on Android

On Android, you must use properties to set the layer environment variables. The format of the properties to set takes the following form:

debug. + (lower-case environment variable with 'vk_' stripped)

The easiest way to set a property is from the ADB shell:

adb shell "setprop <property_name> '<property_value>'"

For example:

To set the API Dump output log filename, which on desktop uses VK_APIDUMP_LOG_FILENAME set the following property:


Which you can set in the following way:

adb shell "setprop debug.apidump_log_filename '/sdcard/Android/vk_apidump.txt'"

Layer Details

Layer Properties

Layer Settings Overview

Setting Type Default Value vk_layer_settings.txt Variable Environment Variable Platforms
Output Range STRING 0-0 lunarg_api_dump.output_range VK_APIDUMP_OUTPUT_RANGE WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID
Output Format ENUM text lunarg_api_dump.output_format VK_APIDUMP_OUTPUT_FORMAT WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID
Output to File BOOL false lunarg_api_dump.file N/A WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID
Log Filename SAVE_FILE stdout lunarg_api_dump.log_filename VK_APIDUMP_LOG_FILENAME WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID
Log Flush After Write BOOL true lunarg_api_dump.flush VK_APIDUMP_FLUSH WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID
Name Size INT 32 lunarg_api_dump.name_size N/A WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID
Show Types BOOL true lunarg_api_dump.show_types N/A WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID
Type Size INT 0 lunarg_api_dump.type_size N/A WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID
Show Timestamp BOOL false lunarg_api_dump.show_timestamp VK_APIDUMP_TIMESTAMP WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID
Show Shader BOOL false lunarg_api_dump.show_shader N/A WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID
Show Parameter Details BOOL true lunarg_api_dump.detailed VK_APIDUMP_DETAILED WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID
Hide Addresses BOOL false lunarg_api_dump.no_addr VK_APIDUMP_NO_ADDR WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID
Use Spaces BOOL true lunarg_api_dump.use_spaces N/A WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID
Indent Size INT 4 lunarg_api_dump.indent_size N/A WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID
Show Thread and Frame BOOL true lunarg_api_dump.show_thread_and_frame N/A WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS, ANDROID

Layer Settings Details

Output Range

Comma separated list of frames to output or a range of frames with a start, count, and optional interval separated by a dash. A count of 0 will output every frame after the start of the range. Example: "5-8-2" will output frame 5, continue until frame 13, dumping every other frame. Example: "3,8-2" will output frames 3, 8, and 9.

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: STRING - Setting Default Value: 0-0

Output Format

Specifies the format used for output; can be HTML, JSON, or Text (default -- outputs plain text)

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: ENUM - Setting Default Value: text

Enum Value Label Description Platforms

Output to File

Setting this to true indicates that output should be written to file instead of stdout

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: BOOL - Setting Default Value: false

Log Filename

Specifies the file to dump to when output files are enabled

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: SAVE_FILE - Setting Default Value: stdout

Log Flush After Write

Setting this to true causes IO to be flushed after each API call that is written

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: BOOL - Setting Default Value: true

Name Size

The number of characters the name of a variable should consume, assuming more are not required

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: INT - Setting Default Value: 32

Show Types

Dump types in addition to values

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: BOOL - Setting Default Value: true

Type Size

The number of characters the name of a type should consume, assuming more are not required

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: INT - Setting Default Value: 0

Show Timestamp

Show the timestamp of function calls since start in microseconds

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: BOOL - Setting Default Value: false

Show Shader

Dump the shader binary code in pCode

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: BOOL - Setting Default Value: false

Show Parameter Details

Dump parameter details in addition to API calls

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: BOOL - Setting Default Value: true

Hide Addresses

Dump "address" in place of hex addresses

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: BOOL - Setting Default Value: false

Use Spaces

Setting this to true causes all tab characters to be replaced with spaces

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: BOOL - Setting Default Value: true

Indent Size

Specifies the number of spaces that a tab is equal to

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: INT - Setting Default Value: 4

Show Thread and Frame

Show the thread and frame of each function called

Setting Properties:

Setting Type: BOOL - Setting Default Value: true

Layer Presets

Console Output

Output API dump to stdout

Preset Setting Values:

Text Output

Output API dump to a text file

Preset Setting Values:

HTML Output

Output API dump to a HTML file

Preset Setting Values:

JSON Output

Output API dump to a JSON file

Preset Setting Values: