Vulkan 1.1 Changes

Now that Vulkan 1.1 has been released, you may desire to take advantage of the new functionality. However, there are some changes to the VkInstance creation process that you must perform in order to properly access all of the new functionality.

Primary code file for this section is 16-vulkan_1_1.cpp

Determining Vulkan Loader Support

The main change to the VkInstance creation step, starting with Vulkan 1.1, is the new vkEnumerateInstanceVersion function call, which has the following prototype:

VkResult vkEnumerateInstanceVersion(
    uint32_t*    pApiVersion);

All Vulkan 1.1 loaders will natively export this command. However, if you write a Vulkan 1.1 application and someone attempts to use that application with a Vulkan 1.0 loader, then the application will fail to run. For more information on handling this in a more versatile fashion, see the section on Making Your Application More Versatile.

The pApiVersion returned by the new vkEnumerateInstanceVersion command indicates the most recent API version of Vulkan that the Vulkan runtime/loader on your system supports. It is formatted in a similar way to wall the other standard Vulkan API versions defined using the VK_MAKE_VERSION macro and resulting in a bit-shifted unsigned integeger containing the major, minor, and patch version of the API. For those unfamiliar with the VK_MAKE_VERSION macro, it does the following:

#define VK_MAKE_VERSION(major, minor, patch) \
    (((major) << 22) | ((minor) << 12) | (patch))

You could easily write your own macros/functions to extract this same information from a returned value, but Khronos provides the following additional macros for your use:

#define VK_VERSION_MAJOR(version) ((uint32_t)(version) >> 22)
#define VK_VERSION_MINOR(version) (((uint32_t)(version) >> 12) & 0x3ff)
#define VK_VERSION_PATCH(version) ((uint32_t)(version) & 0xfff)

Using these provided macros, you can easily extract the Vulkan major and minor API versions out of the returned uint32_t as the following code snippet shows:

uint32_t api_version= 0;
uint16_t api_major_version = VK_VERSION_MAJOR(api_version);
uint16_t api_minor_version = VK_VERSION_MINOR(api_version);

Then, to determine if you can execute a particular version, say, Vulkan 1.1, you perform a simple check:

if (api_major_version > 1 || api_minor_version >= 1) {
    // 1.1 is available

If the check passes, you can then continue from here and create a Vulkan 1.1 Instance. If this fails, your only option is creating a Vulkan 1.0 Instance.

Letting Vulkan Know What Version You Are Using

When you've determine that you can create a Vulkan Instance for a particular version of the API, you should what that desired API version is to the Vulkan components. This is not required, but certain behaviors may change from one minor version of Vulkan to another. By providing clear information about the API version you intend to use, your application will get the behavior it expects. Also, validation layers will use this information to inform you of cases where your application may be using something incorrectly based on the API version you requested.

To inform Vulkan of what version of the API you intend to use, simply provide your desired API version in the VkApplicationInfo structure during Instance Creation.

As a brief recap, the VkApplicationInfo structure contains the following information:

struct VkApplicationInfo {
    VkStructureType    sType;
    const void*        pNext;
    const char*        pApplicationName;
    uint32_t           applicationVersion;
    const char*        pEngineName;
    uint32_t           engineVersion;
    uint32_t           apiVersion;

To fill in the API version your application intends to use, simply update apiVersion using the VK_MAKE_VERSION macro to indicate the correct version. For example, to indicate you're using Vulkan 1.1, you would do the following:

VkApplicationInfo application_info = {};
application_info.pNext = NULL;
application_info.apiVersion = VK_MAKE_VERSION(1, 1, 0);

Make sure that you pass the pointer to your VkApplicationinfo structure to the pApplicationInfo member of your VkInstanceCreateInfo structure that gets pass into vkCreateInstance, and you're set.

One other change that may affect you is that vkCreateInstance no longer returns the VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER error if you pass in an incorrect version. This is because the apiVersion field of the VkApplicationinfo structure is now considered informational only. This means that the following code from the first sample in this Tutorial is no longer valid if you create an instance in Vulkan 1.1:

res = vkCreateInstance(&inst_info, NULL, &inst);
    std::cout << "cannot find a compatible Vulkan ICD\n";
} else if (res) {
    std::cout << "unknown error\n";

Now perform only the "else if" portion of the check:

res = vkCreateInstance(&inst_info, NULL, &inst);
if (res) {
    std::cout << "unknown error\n";

Selecting a Vulkan 1.1 Device

Once you've created a Vulkan 1.1 Instance, you need to determine if any of the physical devices support 1.1 as well. The first step is to gather a list of Vulkan physical devices available on your system, just like you did for Step 2 Enumerate Device.

When you have your list of available physical devices, you need to determine what version of the Vulkan API each device supports using vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties:

void vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(
    VkPhysicalDevice               physicalDevice,
    VkPhysicalDeviceProperties*    pProperties);

This command returns physical device information in the VkPhysicalDeviceProperties structure. Which includes the following information:

struct VkPhysicalDeviceProperties {
    uint32_t                            apiVersion;
    uint32_t                            driverVersion;
    uint32_t                            vendorID;
    uint32_t                            deviceID;
    VkPhysicalDeviceType                deviceType;
    char                                deviceName[VK_MAX_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_NAME_SIZE];
    uint8_t                             pipelineCacheUUID[VK_UUID_SIZE];
    VkPhysicalDeviceLimits              limits;
    VkPhysicalDeviceSparseProperties    sparseProperties;

For each physical device returned by vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices you should make the corresponding call to vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties to get the properties. Then, check the apiVersion member to determine the API version that the driver associated with that physical device supports.

Once you've looped through all your devices, use the physical device with the API closest to the one you desire. If none supports the desired version, you can only use functionality included in the version of the physical device that you do end up selecting.

Making Your Application More Versatile

As mentioned in Determining Vulkan Loader Support, if you use the new API commands that are directly exported by the Vulkan loader/runtime, you run into the possibility of a user encountering issues when they try to use your application. The main issue that typically arises is if a user has an older loader which doesn't export the new Vulkan 1.1 commands. This scenario would result in your application failing to start on their system due to missing symbols. This may not be a bad thing because it can be used to force your users to upgrade their runtime and/or graphics drivers.

However, if you want your application to gracefully handle the lack of a Vulkan 1.1-capable loader, you should query if the command exists and then use function pointers for all the new functionality. This is what the vkGetInstanceProcAddr and vkGetDeviceProcAddr commands are provided for.

The first command you want to query existence of is the new vkEnumerateInstanceVersion command. Since this command has to be called prior to the creation of an Instance, you can pass in VK_NULL_HANDLE for the vkGetInstanceProcAddr call:

PFN_vkEnumerateInstanceVersion my_EnumerateInstanceVersion =
        VK_NULL_HANDLE, "vkEnumerateInstanceVersion");
if (nullptr != my_EnumerateInstanceVersion) {
    // Command is present and defined.
} else {
    // Command is not present, treat as Vulkan 1.0 only

For each new instance command (commands that take either a VkInstance or a VkPhysicalDevice) you should query a similar function pointer using vkGetInstanceProcAddr. For all other commands, you should query a pointer using the created logical device and vkGetDeviceProcAddr. The "cube" demo provided with the Vulkan SDK provides several examples of using vkGetInstanceProcAddr and vkGetDeviceProcAddr should you need an example.

Using the returned function pointers will allow you to check at runtime for the presence of a Vulkan 1.1-capable system, and the fall back gracefully if functionality isn't present. This does mean that your application would have to support at least two different versions of the API (1.0 and whatever version you would prefer).

The code for this modified sample showing the more flexible way to query the Vulkan API version can be found in vulkan_1_1_flexible.cpp

That's all, we hope you enjoy working on Vulkan!

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